sales banner for snus kingdom

Event poster for Gymnázium Golianova 68, nitra

Event poster for Gymnázium Golianova 68, nitra

Entry for a graphic design competition organised by zenit - brochure for pohoda festival

logo for a made-up tech company leaflite

Design manual for Leaflite

Usage of the leaflite logo

Event posters for Gymnázium Golianova 68, nitra

Logo for a made up real estate company neonest

usage of the neonest logo

fashion drop launch for a clothing brand vildsvinn

Cover for a school magazine ozvena

pages for the school magazine ozvena

logo family for a local school project

Custom font

usage of the font

school leaving cards for gymgol

Sale banners for snus kingdom

postcard design for the national forests of slovakia

album cover for burrry

cd design and usage of the cover for burrry

Clothing design for Vildsvinn

Marketing Instagram posts for vildsvinn

sticker designs a local social media profile

logo for a slovak village

usage of the logo for the slovak village 

Hoodie design for gymgol

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